Archive for January, 2014
A Passion for God’s Word
A Passion for God’s Word – Psalm 119 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Good News Camp Leaders Meal
It may still be January but getting ready for Good News Camp in August has officially begun!
30 leaders (and some of their children) enjoyed good food, good conversation, the Camp 2014 promo DVD and a short talk!
An opportunity to say thank you for helping last year on Camp and to encourage the team to sign up for this year – please pray that God will bring the right people together to make Good News Camp 2014 the best one yet!
The GSUS Live trailer will be returning to schools to Hampshire in September/October 2014.
Details of the 8 schools it will visit will be announced on the GSUS LIVE PAGE when each school confirm their booking.
So far three schools have (on the same day as being approached) confirmed their bookings and four more schools want the trailer and will confirm when they have sorted out their schedules etc.
Dates for the diary:
Brookfield Community School. Southampton
Monday September 15th to Friday September 19th 2014.
Oasis Academy Mayfield. Southampton.
Monday October 13th to Friday October 17th 2014.
Perins School. Alresford
Monday October 20th to Friday October 24th 2014.
GLO Team
Meet the GLO Team who will soon be coming to work alongside Duncan Road Church during February (Sunday 2nd February to Sunday 9th February 2014)
GLO Team (Gospel Literature Outreach) will be made up of eight students and one team leader from the GLO Bible College in Scotland. The students are from a variety of countries; Argentina, USA, Italy, Thailand, Scotland, Romania and Zambia, and they will be involved in all the regular activities of the Church plus visits to local schools (for assemblies) and literature distribution.
The GLO Team are: Staff Member: Erika Raigné (Argentina), 2nd Year Students: Ebony Webb (England), Emilio Martinez (Argentina), 1st Year Students: Emily Garcia (US), Laura Gotta (Italy), Stephen Trelogan (Thailand/Scotland), Roxana Chitescu (Romania) Cristina Filip (Romania) & Anthony Chitambala (Zambia)
Please pray for all the organising and planning involved in this hectic week!
Download a leaflet detailing some of the team’s activities.
The Majestic Voice of God
The Majestic Voice of God – Psalm 29 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
The Beginnings of Sin
The Beginnings of Sin – Genesis chapter 3 verses 1-24 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Rain – PowerPoint Quiz
Rain – PowerPoint Quiz
A fun quiz that suitable for use in a Family Service / School Assembly / Kids Club or just for a bit of fun!

(Was used in a Junior school assembly and was a fun/educational lead into the DVD story of Elijah the Prophet (the Bible: 1 Kings chapters 17&18) from the Friends and Heroes DVD)
The Net
As the saying goes; ‘Due to circumstances beyond our control…”
A really good night at ‘The Net’ (outreach to men) despite a rearranged programme. Due to a family bereavement our planned lecturer/speaker for the evening understandably had to pull out of tonight’s event. This meant spending a few hours today putting together an alternative programme. Panic over!
Not really! When I checked with our usual venue about how we wanted the room arranged, I discovered that they were not expecting us and had hired out the room to someone else!

A new venue found (thanks West End Chapel).
The activity could go ahead and despite my frantic day, it was a great privilege at the end of the day to share the gospel with a bunch of men.
The original theme for the evening was going to be a lecture on ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’, which is the world’s best selling book after the Bible. I was able to sharing some facts and trivia concerning this unique and remarkable book, this then provided a natural platform for me to bring a gospel message and challenge to the non-Christian men who came along.
The end result of a rearranged day – Good seed sown, please water it with your prayers and let the Holy Spirit do his work (John 16:8 – “He… will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment”)
Final thought: With God there are no accidents only appointments! Everything has a purpose!
Love Your Enemies!
Love Your Enemies – Matthew chapter 5 verses 43-48 – sermon by Gordon Curley
(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Good time this morning preaching at Velmore Church, Chandlers Ford, Hants.
It is always great when at the end of a service someone comes up to you and says; “Thank you! That message this morning was just for me!”
Although as a preacher you hope everyone got blessed from a particular message, your constant prayer is to ‘scratch where people itch’ or as the Bible puts it to have a ‘word in season’.