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Latest News/Prayer Letter (Mid-January to April 2025) from the Curley’s:

Latest News/Prayer Letter (Mid-January to April 2025) from the Curley’s:
PDF Prayer Letter: CLICK HERE

PDF Counties Ignite Magazine: CLICK HERE

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Stewardship: CLICK HERE – Evangelism, Hampshire – Gordon and Penny Curley

He is the one!

A Christmas sermon illustration with visuals.

Preacher: Gordon Curley.
Author of monologue: Unknown

Mid-September to December News/Prayer Letter 2024

Mid-September to December News/Prayer Letter 2024

News/Prayer Letter: CLICK HERE

June to August News/Prayer Letter 2024

June to August News/Prayer Letter 2024

News/Prayer Letter Part 1:

Diary Dates Part 2:

Summer Ignite Magazine


6-9 In the third part of our 125th anniversary celebrations, we look back 80 years and preview this year’s regional celebrations.

1O-13 For Belmont Church, in Exeter, evangelism is not just about ‘conversion’ but building life-long relationships. Young Families Team Leader, Rachel Morris, tells Ignite how it starts with antenatal classes.

14-17 Making Jesus Known Today and Tomorrow: Spreading the Gospel in
Twenty-first Century Britain. If you haven’t yet asked for your copy, read Counties Evangelist, Matt Rich’s, edited excerpt from the book: Sharing the Good News Online.

18-21 Counties Evangelist, Paul Willmott, works alongside a number of local churches, in the West Midlands, where he creates links with primary schools. Rebecca Russell is a part-time schools’ worker, who frequently works with Paul. She shares what evangelism looks like for her church.

22-23 Counties Evangelist, Mark Bingham, is passionate about other Christians seeing that “Evangelism is a way of life, rather than an activity”.

24-27 ‘Church in the Community Wollaston’, opened in 2021. It tried lots of community engagement opportunities, but it was only when the church slowed down and put the Gospel first, that the church began to grow. Counties Planter, Jordan Armstrong, tells Ignite how it happened.

28-29 Counties Evangelist, Jonathan Brain and his wife Heather continue the story of their new house church.

3O-33 Chris Sinkinson is an author and associate pastor at Lansdowne Church in Bournemouth. He looks at how the local church might tackle the ‘big questions’ as part of its evangelistic strategy.

34 Just a Minute with Counties Evangelist, Tim Ayrton.

Download Link: CLICK HERE

Counties IGNITE Magazine Spring 2024

Counties IGNITE Magazine

Nice to have articles in this edition (catch us on pages 8-9 & 14-15)



6-9 In the second part of our 125th anniversary celebrations, we take a look at Counties summer camps – past and present.

1O-13 Making Jesus Known Today and Tomorrow Spreading the Gospel in Twenty-first Century Britain. An excerpt from Paul Willmott’s chapter on Sharing the Gospel with Children.

14-17 Two Counties Evangelists share how their recent mission trip to Moldova informs their ministry here in the UK.

18-19 Jacob Newman, 19, also visited Moldova as part of TEAM (Counties gap year programme). He tells Ignite about the trip and his time on TEAM.

2O-23 “We are not separated by colour; we are joined in the Lord.”
Counties trainee evangelist, Cheryl Magowan, uses her experiences of ethnicity, as a Christian, to help show us we are all the body of Christ.

24-25 A new Neighbourhood Chaplain from Nigeria explains why the training is helping him to reach out in a predominately white neighbourhood.

26-27 At the start of every year, the Counties East Cluster gets together for 24 hours. It gathered at Arbury Chapel, Cambridge. Andy Mugford and Simon Ladd were there.

28-29 Counties Evangelist, Jonathan Brain and his wife Heather tell Ignite about their new house church and attending the M4 church planting programme.

3O-33 Welcome to an unlikely person in an unlikely place. Beverley Bedford explores the story of Jesus’ relationship with the woman at the well.

34 Evangelists

Mid-January to April News/Prayer Letter 2024

Mid-January to April News/Prayer Letter 2024

News/Prayer Letter Part 1:

Diary Dates Part 2:

Latest news from the Curley’s Mid-September to December 2023

Latest news from the Curley’s Mid-September to December & catch us in an article (pages 13-15) in the Counties IGNITE magazine!

Prayer Letter:

Prayer Diary:

Ignite Magazine:

Autumn’s Ignite Magazine

Another great edition of Ignite magazine, Rob Nicholas shares his journey of finding faith, “From avowed atheist to believer,” & catch the Curley’s on pages 13-15 talking about, “Living by Faith.”


page 6-7 MEMO charity – run by Counties Evangelist, Matt Rich – with three Counties personnel on the Trustees Board – thanks God for amazing witness on social media.

page 8-11 From avowed Atheist to believer, Rob Nicholas, who lives in Ely, Cardiff, shares his journey of finding faith.

page 12-15 Could you support a Counties Evangelist? Ignite’s Editor, Rachel Rounds, finds out why it’s needed.

page 16-19 As Counties continues to encourage churches to join Counties Planting Network, a UK delegation joined the M4 Europe National Leaders Gathering in Norway. James Hyde was there.

page 2O-21 As a foretaste of Counties Connect Conference in October, nearly 250 worshipers gathered for a celebration of ‘Being in God’s Presence’. Counties Evangelist, Tim Cracknell shares.

page 22-25 Why I hope to see you at Counties Connect Conference 23 – a message from Martin Erwin.

page 26-29 “Is today’s church clinging on to the ‘means’ at the expense of the ‘mission’ and losing its vision as a result?” Asks Counties Regional Connector, Simon Ladd.

page 3O-33 Counties Trainees have been putting theory into practice as they partnered with K180 for the ‘Big 3 Mission’ in Devon – where they reached out to young people with Good News. Rachel Rounds reports.

page 34 Just a Minute with Clive Cornish.