Archive for July, 2013
Acton Holiday Club
Thank you for your prayers regarding the ‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club at Berrymead Evangelical Church Acton, London.
Despite competition from a range of activities at the nearby community centre, it is good to report we have had up to forty different children come along during the week, most of the children are first time contacts to the Church and they will provide plenty of follow-up opportunities for the fellowship.
It has been a real privilege to share the gospel with children from a variety of cultural backgrounds (Iranian, Indian, Pakistani, Polish and African to name a few) and from a variety of religious faiths. Please pray for the number of Muslim mothers who have sat through some of the sessions that their children have been attending.
FirstServe is a unique discipleship and missions programme, primarily for 18-25 year-olds on a gap year, or those with a shorter time available.
FirstServe is a gap year programme designed to give young adults (18-25) a taste of service in the UK and overseas. Not only will they have the chance to help, support and encourage others but ‘FirstServe’ ( ) also includes a discipleship and missions training programme.
Gordon is part of the steering group and believes that this is a valuable investment of his time.
Efford Christian Fellowship
Great day at Efford Christian Fellowship, Plymouth – teaching & preaching…
…and it was good to share the trip there and back in the company of author A.J. Jacobs – ok so he was on audio reading his book – The Year of Living Biblically – some great insights and humour from an agnostic Jew – Frustratingly I arrived home on day 361 of his diary – wasn’t sure if I should drive round and round the area for another 5 or 10 or who knows how many minutes until the book finished – in the end went straight home – I guess I will just have to go out for a drive tomorrow!
Good News Camp
Good News Camp is full with people on a waiting list – we could squeeze a few more in if we can find a few extra helpers – Can you or do you know of anyone who can help? Full details of Camp – Where: Lockerly Water Farm Hampshire. When: Sunday August 18th to Thursday August 22nd 2013.

Praise God for:
Lots of Campers – Looks like we will have a good number on site – at the moment girls are outnumbering boys but that could all change.
A great Camp site – each year Lockerley Water Farm gets better & better!
Praise for a varied team of helpers,(different experiences, ages and Church backgrounds) which will provide a great opportunity to work together (Psalm 133 – The Message: “How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along…Yes, that’s where God commands the blessing”).
Please pray for:
2 male & 2 female assistant hut leaders (our biggest need!) & another male/female duties leader.
Health & safety – accidents do happen – pray with us that any accident/health issue will be insignificant!
Unity & balancing the team – we have a variety of helpers – pray that we will all compliment each other in our various roles.
For Gordon as he prepares talks for this year’s Camp.
For a good time spiritually– that the week will be marked with conversions and spiritual growth.
Youth Work
As I approach yet another birthday and prepare to hear the same old jokes i.e. “You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake!”
Amazingly opportunities and invitations to do youth and children’s work are coming in faster than ever!

Tonight it is Youth Club at Duncan Road Church, this year has been one of the most fruitful times we have had and it is thrilling to see young people come to faith and grow in their faith!
Trial at Caesarea
Acts chapter 24 verses 1-27 – Trial at Caesarea- sermon by Gordon Curley

(Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
H+Plus Bible Society
H+Plus Bible Society Training Day – with Sandy Matheson, Bob Dibb, Andy Morgan and ten other people at Sailsbury. A good opportunity to take in and learn how to facilitate this new resource.
Just need wisdom now to know what to do next!