Archive for August, 2013
FirstServe (a dynamic Christian gap year programme for 18-25 year olds ) – It’s count down to the start date for the new FirstServers! They will be arriving at Tilsley College 10th and 11th September. Five countries are represented: Canada, England, Germany, Northern Ireland and the USA. Pray for them as they make final preparations and as some are leaving home for the first time.
It is great to be part of the steering group for this project and to encourage young people to develop their gifts and skills in service for Jesus Christ!
‘The 2:42 Experience’ 2013
80 people enjoyed three days of teaching, fellowship, prayer and breaking of bread (Acts chapter 2 verse 42) at this years ‘The 2:42 Experience’.

The sun shone, people chatted and laughed together, Peter Brind gave some excellent, practical Bible teaching from Luke’s gospel and it was great to see many respond to his appeal to commit themselves to Jesus as men and women of faith!
Good New Camp 2013
Great Camp in so many, many ways!
“N had an amazing time at Good News camp”
“Amazing time at Good News camp with everyone!”
“God never fails to give an amazing Good News Camp!!! Just Wow, God is awesome”
Good News Camp
Set up today
Campers arrive tomorrow
Please pray for a great week in every way!
What is it?
‘Good News’ Camps are packed with interest and provide excellent value for money. Campers are given the opportunity to explore new places, meet new friends, and take part in exciting activities! Organised Camp activities include onsite sports and art and craft sessions, plus trips into the New Forest, a jaunt to the beach and a splash in a nearby swimming pool. During ‘free time’ campers can just ‘chill out’ or use the onsite facilities e.g. snooker, table-tennis, volleyball, badminton, football and a variety of board games.
At the beginning of the week all campers are placed into teams and healthy competition is encouraged throughout the week. Teams will compete with each other in a whole range of fun based activities, scoring points and trying to make sure they are the team who will win the team prize at the end of the week!
Note: These Camps are Christian based. That means that each day all campers take part in various forms of Bible study and prayer. The main learning time takes place in an action packed, fast paced programme called ‘T.G.S.’ (The God Slot). This event includes singing, quizzes, Bible readings, competitions, prayers, fun spots, video stories and a short talk.
The Cost of Following Jesus
The Cost of Following Jesus– Luke chapter 9 verses 60-62 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Space Academy Holiday Club 2013
Really good time this week with Space Academy 4 day Holiday Club at Cannon Court Evangelical Church Fetcham. Great to finish today with Prize-giving and a B-B-Q
Thank you for your prayers
Fetcham Holiday Club
Space Academy Holiday Club starts today!
After a great time in multicultural Acton, London last week, I am looking forward to the contrast of working in Fetcham at Cannon Court Evangelical Church.

Fetcham is a village in Surrey, England west of Leatherhead, on the other side of the River Mole and has Mill Pond springs and an associated nature reserve.
The Forbidden Food
The Forbidden Food – Daniel chapter 1- sermon by Gordon Curley

(Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: