Archive for January, 2013
FirstServe Gap Year Programme
Latest news from FirstServe – check out their blogs – love the story of the roundabout!
Deborah Holmes is now in Bolivia:
Seren Anderson – Peru:
Nicole Finlayson – Spain:
4 new recruits will be joining FirstServe in February!
They will be at the GLO Centre ( for 2/3 weeks, then they will move on to their UK church placement. Please pray that this year will be a time for them to draw closer to God and that wherever they are on placement, both in the UK and overseas, God will use them for His glory.
FirstServe is a gap year programme designed to give young adults (18-25) a taste of service in the UK and overseas. Not only will they have the chance to help, support and encourage others but ‘FirstServe’ ( ) also includes a discipleship and missions training programme.
Gordon is part of the steering group and believes that this is a valuable investment of his time.
School Assembly
A great time this morning at Sarisbury Junior School Southampton. Always good to go in and take part in their Assembly. Thrilling to see hundreds of children fully engaged in the story of “Blind” Bartimaeus, a person in the Gospel of Mark who is miraculously healed by Jesus, and great to remind these children that they too are special, valued and loved by God!

Sizewell Hall
Great time at Sizewell Hall, Suffolk for a weekend of Bible teaching with the Christians from High Street Chapel, Hopton. Diss. Norfolk.
‘Preparing For Mission’ was the teaching theme and the weekend provided a chance to meet the fellowship and help encourage, challenge and prepare these Christians for the mission that is planned in March (3rd-10th 2013)

Hopton Church Weekend Away
If all goes to plan I shall be off to Sizewell Hall, Suffolk for a weekend of Bible teaching with the Christians from High Street Chapel, Hopton. Norfolk. Our local schools in Hants have sent out email warnings saying; “because of the snow there will be a 7.30am morning decision as to whether or not school goes ahead or is cancelled” – I guess there are lots and lots of school children praying for 4″ of snow so that they can have an extra day off school!
I will battle the elements and as the Inuit saying goes, “Trust in God and don’t forget to take a shovel, a flask and sleeping bag!”)
This will be my first Church weekend away with them and I would value your prayers that during the four teaching sessions God will deliver through me the right word for the occassion!
Noahs’ Ark
Noah’s Ark Toddlers and Babies group:
Penny writes; “Phew!! Just got back from our busiest Noahs’ Ark to date. More than seventy Mums, Dads Carers and kids all talking, playing and laughing makes quite a lot of noise, and mess! Lovely to see some old friends back with new babies and to welcome another three brand new families too. Roll on next Thursday.”
The Net: Quiz Night
Last night twenty-six men squeezed into the function room of the Queens Head, Titchfield for a brainstraining Quiz Night! The questions were varied and fun and the atmosphere was friendly and enjoyable!
At the end of the evening Ivor Cooper (Counties Evangelist, Warwickshire) shared a little of what Christians believe on the topic of ‘‘Is there anyone there?’ – What do you think God (if there is one) is like? What’s the Christian understanding of God? ’
Quote from one of the men who attended: “Great evening! Lots to think about, shame the speaker did not go on for longer!”
Persecutor Becomes Preacher
Conversion of Saul of Tarsus – Acts chapter 9 verses 1-22– sermon by Gordon Curley

(Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
A New Thing!
A New Thing – Isaiah chapter 43 verses 14-28 – sermon by Gordon Curley
(Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: