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The Final Countdown BBHP 23

Some quotes from the Campers & Leadsers:

Beth’s 13th year!! “Helped me as a camper still encourages and teaches me now I’m a leader and I get to contribute to the youngsters walk with God too!! What could be better! “
Faith’s second year- “mini bus rides with my friends singing and dancing and worshipping all together were the best!!!!”
Lacie’s second year,- “can’t decide whether the food, the swimming or the singing was best!!!! Loved it all!2
Lexi- “I loved the singing in the bus!!! Everyone joined in, it was so much fun!!! It was SOOO loud!”
Hattie- “absolutely loved the chicken casserole and the swimming but especially the chicken casserole!”
Sophia- “I loved seeing Moose fall off the inflatable course in the pool!!!! The swimming was really fun!”
Abi- “10 out of 10!! Amazing weekend!!”
Ben- “It was really good!”
Ava – “I loved the worship songs, they meant a lot to me.”

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