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‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty Preparation

Burning the late night oil, as we finalise all the planning for this years ‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty.

Over the weekend I will be speaking on The 3 Bee’s: Believing, Belonging, Behaving.

Believing: John cajhpter 3 verses 1-16
Belonging: 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verses 12-16
Behaving: Romans chaopter 12 verses 1-5

Please Pray:

 Praise God for a good number of youth (Campers).
 Please pray that God will speak to the young people and the young adult leaders who will play a big part in making the weekend happen!
 Praise God for a great team of volunteer helpers.
 Please pray unity, when young people get tired, problems arise!
 Praise God for the freedom we have to run this type of weekend in the UK.
 Please pray for health, we are squeezed into our venue, space is limited and a bug or an illness can ruin a good weekend!


Final run around prep as we, collect minibuses, load up minibuses with food, tuck & stuff, drive to Bournemouth, set up the various rooms in the Church for 41 people to eat, sleep, play games, chill etc. And then wait for the young people to arrive.

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