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Moldova Day 9

Final team meal together!
Joshua, Lance, Marie, Ecaterina, Angela, Serge, Steven, Mark (& GC taking the photo)


I have cribbed some thoughts posted by Bob telford on his Whatts App support group page – I think they are relevant to my mission as well!

We have seen a high response of people responding to the gospel. I want you to be clear about 4 things:

1. Weeks of prayer from the believers in the city and villages has led to many people having been prepared by God to listen to and receive the message and I believe the mission has been especially fruitful because of that.

2. I have been careful to UNDER REPORT the numbers rather than risk exaggeration. With the language and culture differences it is not always easy to get the bottom of how much people have understood, so I’ve been conservative in my reportage.

3. No one is claiming that all the people who reponded have been converted, that is why we call them ‘responders’ not converts.

4. Local pastors and missionaries have been present at every event collecting names, noting responses etc. The follow up will, for the most part, be thorough and many will come to a clear understanding and a conversion experience during the discipleship course.

I hope this summary and these comments are helpful. Other evangelists have been working in the area as well as myself and they are reporting people turning to Christ as well. Thanks again for love, prayers. Pray us safe home tomorrow please. I’ll send a final update when I’m home. God bless.

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