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Moldova Update!

Vasile Surdu pastor in Soldanesti has written to say that he has 3 new believers groups running in different places. The photo here is of the one in the mother church that he pastors in Soldanesti town itself. Apparently there are 20 that regularly attend.

Below is a picture of Nicolai (the one waving and standing behind pastor Tudor) a new believer in the village of Valea Mare in the North who has been going on well with the Lord.
There seems to be some around 50-60 of those that responded over the 3 missions in some form of new believers studies so we thank the Lord for this and also mention again how appreciative we are of your continued prayers.

Do pray for Mark McCormick – Moldovan Mission:Moldovan Mission:Moldovan Mission:
Pray for the book of seeker’s studies we are trying to get ready, printed and delivered to Moldova in time for the FRANK outreaches this autumn.

Gordon hopes to return to Moldova in the autumn as part of the mission teams.

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