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Moldova Mission

Despite EU integration attempts in recent years, Moldova continues to be the poorest country in Europe, crippled by a high level of corruption, political instability and a failing economy. The extreme poverty, especially in rural areas, aggravates related problems like a high rate of alcoholism and an exodus of the working population to other countries, while children and elderly are left behind. However, this situation also creates many ministry opportunities, especially in the area of relief & development.

I have been invited to be involved in gospel preaching, this outreach is carried out in partnership with local Moldovan Churches, encouraging them in evangelism as they reach out to their friends, family members and neighbours with the gospel.

Please pray for:

For the preaching of God’s word, that many people will understand and respond.
For safety in travel.
For a good understanding and working relationship with my translator.
For Mark McCormick (Mission organiser) and the other team members who are also involved in reaching the Central Regions of Moldova.

The Approximate schedule for each mission is as follows:

Saturday – arrive in Moldova – possible outreaches in evening for some of us
Sunday am preach in local churches to get culturally orientated – maybe 2 to a church
pm in some cases we go out to preach the gospel in homes i.e. outreach missions starts

Monday – Saturday breakfast 8.0-9.0 Team time and feedback 9.00-10.00

Preaching in groups – on average 4 per day per evangelists 11.00-21.00
+/- preaching in schools or hospitals or clinics etc

Sunday Preaching outreach missions in churches – possibly evangelists will double up
Monday debrief – final meal together
Tuesday – off home.

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