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Good News Camp Update!

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us last night for our Camp prayer & plan get together!

Praise God that Good News Camp 2016 is almost full!
We only have 1 boys place and 3 girls places available!

But we do need a few more leaders – please pray for:
1 Sports officer (& assistant).
2 Female Hut/Tent assistants.
1 male Hut/Tent assistant.
1 assistant to help with medicine administration.
1 Female Duties Officer.

Bible them: Mark’s Gospel.
Fun Theme: Space.

Please pray as we finalise the Camp programme and try to sort out ‘who’ is in which huts/tent etc.
Quite Time booklets and Camp Handbook will be emailed/posted out as soon as we fill those missing vacancies.


Venue: Lockerley Water Farm Hampshire
Dates: Sunday August 21st to Friday August 26th 2016

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