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Preaching Seminars

The preacher stands, as John Stott has said, “between two worlds;” the world of the Bible and the world in which his hearers live. He must understand both and bridge the divide so that the contemporary hearer really hears in his circumstances and experience the timeless, infallible, completed, and sufficient written Word. Preaching is the means by which the objective written Word becomes, without changing its message one bit, the Word of God spoken to us. This means that the sermon is a “crisis moment” in which the listener hears and responds to God speaking to him.

It was great on Saturday to have twenty people attend a day’s seminar on preaching. Seven Churches were represented with a good mixture of people, some just starting their preaching ministry and others more experienced but wanting to ‘sharpen up’ and remind themselves of the important principles involved in preaching. Ivor Cooper and myself led the four interactive sessions:

•The Preacher – preparation & tools.
•The Message – sermon construction.
•The Presentation – before the people.
•The Visualisation – using visual aids & other media

We trust that those who attended the seminar will be better equipped in their preaching ministry.

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