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Archive for November, 2023

Day 7 – Friday 3rd November

The team split up into various distribution teams and took the Food Aid, parcels to some of the villagers.

WOW! What a reception, anyone would have thought we were royalty! A meeting in the park as the buildings were all occupied due to local elections, but when we arrived the mayor was on hand to greet us and alongside here was about thirty-five people from the village.
This was my favourite meeting of the week, we taught the kids an action song and they enthusiastically joined with us in copying the various movements, the photos cannot capture the peoples excitement or the concentrated way they listened to the Moose share his testimony and I shared the gospel through the story of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector, for us as a team, it will leave a lasting memory in our hearts.
The mayor was also thrilled as we were the first English people she has ever met in person.
Not the place or the time for an appeal but as a seed sowing opportunity it will compliment the ongoing outreach in this isolated village.

The second meeting was in a small Church in Antonesti, the tiny chapel was full, and people responded to trust Christ at the appeal. It was so nice to hear the girls voices on the front row all saying the resonse prayer out loud, I hope they meant it!


The third meeting at Larguta was again vastly different, this was a typical FRANK meeting as we waited for those invited to turn up, as you can see from the photo they came! The room did not help as it was thin and narrow and the light was not great, but the people listened and so much laughter as they enjoyed the illustrations and storytelling. Once again, there was a good response to the appeal.
It is good for the ego when you hosts tell you the meeting was, “Absolutely perfect.” We give God the glory for using the likes of us to speak to these lovely people.

Day 6 – Thursday 2nd November

A long day (12 hours) for our team – Pastor Ion, The Moose and I with our translator Viorel (Theo) went to the village of Cazangic, we made 8 aid visits leaving behind some much-needed food packages & one wheelchair, some of the poverty we saw today is heartbreaking!

The evening finished with a FRANK group, just as I was about to make the appeal when two ladies and child turned up, one of the ladies had been drinking and so their appearance changed everyone’s focus, so we did a review and the session and that flowed went into a Q&A session – some great questions and real sense of God’s help & presence.