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Archive for December, 2017

Moldova 2017

Nov 25th-Dec 5th: Mission – Moldovan Mission. Soldanesti. Rep of Moldova.

Youth – Soldanesti. Moldova

Tim & Ryan helping young people find Jesus in Soldanesti. Moldova

Moldova Friday

Very similar day to yesterday – Preaching in a OAP home/hospital! Market Outreach & two home meetings— in Soldanesti.

Moldova Friday

My team partner John writes:

“We met a man named sergiu and a lady named Angela at the market place Thursday morning. We spoke to sergiu first he was sat on his own outside a bar .. he wanted to know more about we spoke we could tell that he was touched and wanted to pray with us and place his faith in Jesus Christ.
We then met Angela who owned a dress stall and the same happened ….
Later that day the pastor picked a friend up as we travelled to another home group and on the way he asked why we were here so we gave him good news and he also asked for Jesus….
When we arrived at our last home group we sat down and you would never guess who walked into the room!!!
7000 people live in the town, and approx 400 people live in the flats and Angela the lady from the market stall walked in…
We nearly fell on the floor …
We had a great meeting and all the family said they would come to church, God’s amazing…”