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FirstServe Update

Craig and Sarah begin their journey home today from their FirstServe placement in Zambia, which brings them to the end of their programme. Please pray:
– for safe flights
– that their luggage would arrive with them!
– that coming back to the UK wouldn’t be too hard a transition for them. They’ve seem very young children (orphans) taking on responsibilities that children here wouldn’t dream of, and have no need to. Please pray that the ‘reverse culture shock’ wouldn’t be too bad.
– pray too for those they have said goodbye to in Zambia – strong bonds have been forged
Pray that as they reflect on their time in Africa that God will make the next steps very clear.
Once they’ve had time to settle back into home life we’ll post a fuller update.

FirstServe is a unique discipleship and missions programme, primarily for 18-25 year-olds on a gap year, or those with a shorter time available.

Gordon is part of the FistServe Steering Group.

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