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FirstServe Uupdate

Please remember the FirstServers in your prayers.

…Hazel has safely arrived in Zambia and has already started work at Chitokoloki Hospital, she’ll be staying there until 14th April…

…Abi had a safe journey to Peru and will begin by helping to teach English in a local school…

…Anna has been on a mission’s trip in Zambia, helping with evangelistic outreach and only has 3 weeks left of her placement…

…Josh is now onto his last week at Tilsley College, Motherwell and on Saturday will begin his UK placement at Regent Chapel, Newcastle…

Master FS Logo CMYK (NO Strap)

FirstServe is a unique discipleship and missions programme, primarily for 18-25 year-olds on a gap year, or those with a shorter time available.

Gordon is part of the FistServe Steering Group.

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