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Family Holiday

Great family holiday in Turkey – but what a challenge for Prayer!
Turkey’s transformation from guardian of Christendom to unevangelized nation has been almost comprehensive. For over 1,000 years the region was a bastion of Christendom, but it later became a strong propagator of Islam. The Christian population has declined from 22% to 0.21% since 1900. Only 0.008% of people in Turkey are evangelical; many are ethnic Turks and Kurds, but others are expatriate or from historically Christian minorities. Few of the 73 million Muslims have ever truly heard the gospel. Turkey’s location along the ancient Silk Road routes connected it deeply to Islam for centuries; pray that it might also be used as a bridge between Europe and Asia for the transmission of a revitalized Christianity.
Would you take some time to pray for this country of 72,000,000 people with less than 4,000 believers? Please pray for Pastor Ramazan Arkah and the Evangelical Church in Antalya –

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